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Motivational Speaker

Motivational Speaker

Harman Singh

Harman Singh is a dynamic Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Hypnotist and Mind Healer. He is the founder and director of Harman Singh Training System. With over 12 years of enriching experience in his field. His journey is a testament to his unwavering commitment to empower individuals and organizations to reach their fullest potential. Harman Singh embarked on his motivational journey in 2012 with a seminal seminar in a Delhi school, igniting the spark of motivation and self-belief in countless individuals. Since then, he has traversed the length and breadth of North India, leaving an indelible mark on prestigious educational institutions and corporate giants alike. Throughout his illustrious career, Harman Singh has trained over 500,000 individuals, instilling a sense of purpose and drive in each attendee. His transformative workshops and seminars have propelled businesses and educational institutions to unparalleled heights of success, earning him widespread acclaim and recognition.

Here are some highlights from Harman Singh's remarkable career:

Mind Healing and Hypnotism Training Programmes: Harman Singh recently launched Mind Programming Sessions, Self Mastery Programme, and Master Hypnotist Training, offering individuals the opportunity to unlock their full potential and achieve personal mastery. Over the past year, he has conducted 15+ Mind Programming Sessions, 10 Master Hypnotist Trainings, and one Self Mastery Programme, further solidifying his reputation as a leading authority in mind empowerment and holistic personal development.

Life Skills Trainer: Since 2016, Harman Singh has been a valued Life Skills Trainer at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in India (ICAI), conducting over 1000 training sessions to empower individuals beyond academia.

Sales Trainer and Performance Coach:  With over 20 impactful training sessions, Harman Singh has enhanced sales acumen and performance standards within organizations like Maruti Suzuki and Maruti Driving School.

Soft Skills Trainer: Currently serving as a Soft Skills Trainer at Havells India Ltd., Harman Singh has conducted over 25 training sessions, equipping employees with essential interpersonal skills.

Leadership Coach: Harman Singh's influence extends to government organizations, where his leadership coaching has fostered a culture of excellence, as evidenced by his work with the Ministry of Textiles.

Startup Mastery Programme: Recognizing the need to nurture entrepreneurial talent, Harman Singh initiated a comprehensive course empowering young entrepreneurs to thrive in the business world.

Corporate Training Engagements: Harman Singh's expertise has been sought after by leading corporate entities including JSW Steels, Goldmines Telefilms Pvt. Ltd., Star Health Insurance, Avyukt Rice, Panasonic, ONGC, and more. His interventions have catalyzed organizational growth and performance enhancement across diverse industries.

At Harman Singh Training System, we believe in the power of transformation through inspiration and education. Join us on this transformative journey, and together, let's unlock the boundless potential within.